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According to the institute's by-law, the Steering Committee is formed and chaired by the President of Civil Service Bureau.
The institute’s by-law stipulated in the provisions of Article No. (6-A) that The Institute shall have a steering committee to carry out the following duties:
Identify the strategic approaches and priorities of The Institute in line with the needs of the public sector and the national priorities and plans
Review and evaluate the institute’s activities and work, and taking the necessary decisions for development and improvement
Approve the comprehensive training plan and the specialized training programmes pillars.
Approve the institute's strategic plan as well as human and financial resources plans
Approve the partnership plans
Approve the annual report and financial statements
Approve the necessary policies to implement the institute’s duties and activities
Approval of training instructions and training paths
Approve the institute's organizational structure
Any other work related issues referred to it by the chair of the committee
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