
Directorates and Units

Training Directorate

Enhance the efficiency of public sector employees and prepare them scientifically and practically to enable them to carry out their tasks, assume their responsibilities and exercise their powers.

The directorate consists of three departments:


Training Department which is concerned with:
  • Direct supervision over implementing training programs according to planned plans and programs
  • Implementation of training programs according to approved plans using Institute's trainers, outsourced trainers, or through partnerships concluded by the Institute with others.
  • Supervise the coordination of programs and provide all the necessary logistics for the holding of programs efficiently and efficiently and with high quality.


Programs Development Department which is concerned with:
  • Develop specialized training programs for the preparation and qualification of government leaders that meet government needs and are in line with national plans and priorities.
  • Implement a national capacity-building program for government leaders.
  • Develop mechanisms for participant selection and evaluation and set criteria for application, screening and differentiation between applicants.


Follow Up Department which is concerned with:

Follow-up the implementation of training programs and plans, ensure that they are in line with career needs and priorities, career and administrative paths, and provide support to government departments in relation to the training process

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