
Government Leadership

Specialized Leadership Programs

Training programs aimed at preparing qualified national leaders and enhancing their contribution to comprehensive development. These programs align with royal directives and plans for administrative, economic, and political reform. Examples include:

Government Leadership Qualification Program: A specialized leadership program aimed at attracting specialized mid-level leaders in the public sector who possess high competency and leadership traits to equip and refine their skills for competing for higher leadership positions.

Youth Leadership Program: A specialized leadership program aimed at preparing and developing the capacities of young individuals in various ministries, departments, and institutions of the public sector to become agents and drivers of change and development in their institutions, capable of influencing others, leading work teams, and development projects.

Women's Leadership Program: A specialized leadership program aimed at preparing and qualifying national female competencies and leaders capable of dealing with present challenges and future aspirations, enhancing the position of female leaders and their contributions to comprehensive development by building their leadership capacities and enabling them to compete for future leadership positions.

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